Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lucky gained another pound, day 148

I'm positive I don't know what else to do. I get on the scale with Lucky 3 times a day to see if he has gained even an ounce. He gains 1 lb and I gain 2. But water pills can't help me, I think my problem is all the choclate I eat while writing this blog and fretting over Lucky. He wants me to share my chocolate but chocolate's bad for him too. I did share my skittles not so long ago.

Lucky was feeling so sick all the time. Then the ascites made all of his organs push together. We think eating was not on his mind because his stomach was being pushed by all the fluid.

We all agreed that any food was better than no food because Lucky was starving to death. So everyday we tried something new. He would eat whatever it was once because the taste and smell was new and then nothing. Once day at work I was eating skittles and he kept pushing his nose at me. By then I would give him anything he wanted so I offered him the skittles. He ate what I gave him. I thought if I gave him too many it would upset his stoach even more so I limited what he eat. Everyday he wanted skittles so I bought a big bag and gave him some. The next day he stopped eating them and I had to eat the rest of the bag :-)

Right after that I started the force feedings.

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