Sunday, July 26, 2009

A trip to the beach

Since getting the fluid reduced Lucky seems better. Everyday he eats a little and he takes all of his pills except the sam-e.

We wanted to go to the beach but I could not leave Lucky with anyone because I knew it would stress him out. We decide to take him.

The plan was to stay at the Navy base but pets were not allowed in the rooms. We decided to risk it because he no longer barked and he barely moved. All of his energy was spent in following me around if I went out of his eyesight. I wrapped him up like a baby and took him to the room. No over saw him or even suspected he was there.

In Texas we can drive right up to the water so we backed up our hummer up and got Lucky out. We had brought a soft kennel that was in the back that he could lay in. The truck was open so he could see us. He was having none of that, it was too far from me. I sat him on my lap by the water but I knew it was too hot for him to stay too stay there too long. Eventually he settled under the Hummer on a towel. The Hummer is so high, it was a good place for him. I thought the beach had been hard on him so I sent him home with my daughter the next day since she was leaving early.

Would that be Lucky's time at the beach?

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